Sunday, December 27, 2009


OMFG!!!! I just told the guy I liked that I like him and HE ALREADY KNEW!!! He says his friend figured it out before he did. I am so f*cking happy. It's too much to bear. The only problem is he didn't say if he likes me too. *balls hands into fists* IT'S SO CONFUSING!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Book reviews

So over vacation I'm going to be starting a book review blog. I want everyone to follow it and I want people to make suggestions. I really, really don't want this to be like my other blogs, so can you suggest it to others that might like it? I'd really appreciate it

Monday, December 7, 2009


I HATE PEOPLE!!!!!! Sometimes it's the slow one I'm behind, sometimes it's someone who interrupts or annoys you and sometimes (well most of the time) it's someone who just doesn't get it for some reason.(btw I'm dealing with one of these people right now and it's very, very VERY annoying!!!!